Engineering Diffraction 2

Interface Overview

This custom interface will integrate several tasks related to engineering diffraction. In its current state it provides functionality for creating new calibration files. This interface is under active development.

General Options

RB Number
The reference number for the output paths (usually an experiment reference number at ISIS). Leaving this field empty will result in no user directories being created, and only the general directory will be used for file storage.
Select the instrument (ENGINX or IMAT). Currently only ENGINX is fully supported.
Show this documentation page.
Close the interface.
Red Stars
Red stars next to browse boxes and other fields indicate that the file could not be found. Hover over the star to see more information.


This tab currently provides a graphical interface to create new calibrations and visualise them.

The “Plot Output” check-box will plot vanadium curves and ceria peaks. Four plots will be generated (for ENGINX), one of each plot for each of the detector banks.

Creating a new calibration file generates 3 GSAS instrument parameters files, one all banks and separate ones for each individual bank. All 3 files are written to the same directory:


If an RB number has been specified the files will also be saved to a user directory in the base directory:


Currently, the Engineering_Mantid directory is created in the currently logged in user’s home directory.


Vanadium Number
The run number or file path used to correct the calibration and experiment runs.
Calibration Sample Number
The run number for the calibration sample run (such as ceria) used to calibrate experiment runs.